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What Should Be Your Digital Marketing Resolutions for 2016

As the New Year approaches, it’s already too late to waste time in thinking what you could have done to make your digital marketing strategies better or what could have gone right (or wrong) throughout the passing year. If you’re not having a competently designed Digital Marketing strategy and sensibly implementing it, it’s wise to set some crucial Digital Marketing resolutions for 2016. Let the coming year be a year of efficiency and success. Here’s a list of some top Digital Marketing resolutions for 2016, as the new year is waiting to start in only a few days (or I should say hours?)

What Should be Your Digital Marketing Resolutions for 2016

Embracing New Social Media Platforms and Saying ‘Good Bye’ to the Wrong Ones:
It’s on top of my list of Digital Marketing resolutions for 2016 because I believe many of the business are already making a lot of mistakes by wasting time and money on social networks that don’t even matter to their customers and avoiding networks that could open the door to success for them. I’ve seen so many businesses being on networks just for the sake of being there. It’s not only increasing the monetary cost of managing these pages or profiles but also killing a lot of time. It’s time to say “good bye” to all the networks that you think don’t bring good leads to you. If your potential customers are not on a social network, eliminate it from your list. Hurry up! On the other hand, you may also be missing out on some platforms that are important for your industry. Embrace new social media platforms if your future and existing customers are already present there!

Cleaning up the Messes:

Spend a day or two in cleaning up all the messes made on your website, analytics and social media profiles. May it be a page that takes too long to load on your visitors’ browsers or a page location that leaves your visitors with nothing but a blank 404 page. Go through every corner of your website to look for a mess and when you find one, fix it right away! It’s not just your website, fix problems on your Google Analytics account, too. As seen in most cases, spam bots are very active when it comes to ruining your analytics. You can use filters to exclude traffic coming from referrer spam websites or use a plugin on your WordPress website that blocks bots, such as, Bot Block or Analytics Spam 
Blocker. Here’s a list of notorious spam bots:

List Of Spam Bots

That’s not all! You need to clean up your social media accounts too. Make sure that you remove all the unwanted and spammy posts and ban spammers from your list of followers. Also, make sure that your description text, images, post captions etc. are all in good shape.

Revising Tracking Data and Re-assigning Your Goals:

You need to set your goals for a year even before it starts. If you have set goals for 2015, it’s time to revise them for the New Year. Also, you may be tracking conversions using conversion pixel or retargeting your audience using Google AdWord’s remarketing pixel. Make sure that you make all the changes that are necessary to keep your tracking data up to date.

Focusing on Mobile:

As Danyl Bosomworth stated in one of his articles published on Smart Insights, the number of mobile users accessing the internet has surpassed the number of desktop users in early 2014. We live in a world where your customers are not only using different devices to visit your website but also, the same customer is visiting your website using different devices. There you see how important responsive design can be for your buyer’s journey and the ultimate success of your business! If your website is not mobile friendly already, you’re losing a substantial number of customers, every day. Let your website go responsive, now! Desktop-only websites are slowly turning less useful. On top of that, search engines like Google penalize websites that are not mobile-friendly.

Diving Into Analytics:

If you’re not already keeping your eyes on the traffic that visit your website and how they interact with it, you’re in darkness. Start using web analytics from the year ahead. Google Analytics is a handy tool for webmasters all over the world. If you are using WordPress, we have a tutorial for you on how to set up Google Analytics on your WordPress websites. Google Analytics sheds light on the interaction between your website and its visitors. It shows you who visit your website, what they do while they are on your website when they visit your website, where did they come to your website from and much more. More importantly, analytics is important when it comes to measuring your content’s performance, your website’s SEO and your online advertising ROI (Return on Investment.) Google Analytics is free to use. It offers powerful custom reports. It also helps you in tracking your digital marketing campaigns. There’s no time to waste! Start using analytics from the coming year.

A/B Split Testing:

When it comes to online advertising, A/B split testing is way too important for maximizing your ROI. It’s a strategy in marketing in which two versions (A and B) are tested against each other. Your key goal is to identify changes that increase the chance of what you desire to happen, happening. For example, you can use two versions of landing pages to see which one performs better. Once you gain insight into the comparison, you can eliminate the low-performing one and increase your advertising budget on the high-performing one. Same goes for your email marketing campaigns. A/B split testing is useful in cases of Facebook advertising, Google AdWord campaigns, Email marketing etc.

Creating Contents That Matter to Your Customers:

Have you heard the saying ‘Content is king?’ In today’s world of business, content is at the heart of your marketing. Right content, when created for the right audience at the right time, can both bring new prospects for the business and demonstrate the business’s expertise in the relevant industry. Start a blog for your business, if you don’t have one already! A blog is the best way to attracting your potential customers or clients to you, instead of trying to approach them. Effective content marketing is all about creating high-quality content that matters to your customers, may it be a blog post educating them about the product or service they need, or a video showing how to use your product, or may be an infographic that your customers find useful at the stage of the buying process they’re at. Educate your customers, provide meaningful information to them, help them make their purchase decisions, create value to your potential buyers. That’s how you kickstart content marketing. You need to promote your content all across the web to make sure that it reach the right people at the right time. This continuous process of value creation will step by step move your potential customer closer to your business. If you don’t have an efficient content strategy, get your content marketing efforts started from the new year.

I’ve stated only a few vital Digital Marketing resolutions for 2016. Let me know in the comment section if you have more to add to the list. I’d like to know about your Digital Marketing resolutions for 2016.


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How to Name a Business

When you finally decide to start a new business, the first question you ask yourself is “What will be the name of my business?” If you have no idea what to name a business this article will tell you how to choose one for yours. My guess is that you come up with about ten to fifteen names at first. But then you can’t be certain which one is the best. Maybe you make a list of top five names that you like. There still remains confusion! Choosing the right name for your business is the first step toward building a successful brand. Some entrepreneurs try to pick a name without thinking much and makes his first big mistake. Later on, when they realize that their business name has some serious issues, they want to change it by all means which costs them a lot of sufferings and in most cases, money. Remember that your company name will be on all of your products, websites, promotional materials etc. So naming a business is not to be taken carelessly. But then there’s no specific how-to guide that will help a startup hero choose the best name for his venture! But it is easy to avoid mistakes and consider the most important facts, Right? This article gives you a list of things to do and remember before you make a mistake in naming your startup.

How to Name a Business?

The first pain point is to find a list of names that reflect your identity. Take your pen and a piece of paper. Write down all your ideas. Among the names that came in your mind, you need to select 10 good business names. The only thing to remember while brainstorming is that your business name should be:

  1. Easy to remember
  2. Timeless/Everlasting
  3. Easy to pronounce and
  4. Easy to Spell

There are various ways popular companies have been named. Let’s have a look at the different methods.

Related to Product/Service/Industry: It is great to choose a name that is related to your business/offerings. Unfortunately, domains for this type of names are almost impossible to find available nowadays! It is hard to find a one-word domain still available. But if you are lucky enough to find a business-related name, that’s great!

Random Real-life Objects: There are some business names that have nothing to do with the business they are in, yet have been very popular, such as, apple, Amazon etc. But the problem with such names is that you have little chances to find domain names for them!

Misspelled Words: Another idea is to manipulate letters and misspell a popular word to get a business name, such as, fiverr, flickr, reddit etc. These names mean nothing, but if you spell them correctly, they mean something, such as fiver, flicker and read it!

Compound Words: A very effective way to name your business is combining two words into one and use it as the name of your business. For example, Facebook, LinkedIn, GoDaddy, Microsoft, MySpace, HootSuite etc. The best thing about this approach is that the domains are easier to find available for these names than for “one meaning word” names!

New Words: Sometimes, randomly made up words work best! At least, this method worked for a few popular brands, such a, Skype, Hulu, Meebo, Zynga, Zillow, Yipit etc. You can come up with one, but be careful about how it sounds. Don’t choose a made up word that sounds a lot like an existing negative word.

Google It
You surely do not want to take the hurdle of explaining which similar sounding business firms have nothing to do with your business. Before you pick a name, google it! See what comes up. Try image search! Without doing this, you may have to face embarrassment afterwards. Who knows! For example, I’ve once picked a name for one of my very serious themed business, that I found very similar to the name of a pornographic website. Thank God I decided to google it before selecting the name.

Check if Domain Name is Available:
It’s not easy to find a domain available for a business name unless the name is absolutely meaningless! Once you have a list of names that you’d like to consider, try checking for domain availability for all of them. You can use this tool for this purpose. The worst mistake some entrepreneurs make is that they add a hyphen (-) in the domain. Never commit this sin! This way you will only make it harder for your possible clients/customers to find you online. If you don’t find a domain available for a name, forget the name! Go for the others. Always pick .com at first. Aim at .com .net and .org simultaneously.

Social Media Handles:
Nowadays, it is nearly impossible to conduct business without having strong presence in social media. It boosts your company’s growth. List out the names of the social networking websites that your business will be active on. Now check if the names are available on those websites.

Seek Opinion From Others:
When you have a very short list of names, it’s time to go out and seek opinions from others. Don’t just ask your friends and family members for opinions. This is where a lot of entrepreneur go wrong! Most of them will never tell you the harsh truth about your business name. You need to consult the people you’re going to sell to. Seek opinion from them. This way you can get the most genuine opinion you could ever get! But here’s something you should know! Sometimes you need to be a little autocratic! Just because 10 out of 15 people have chosen a name, you don’t need to pick that. You need to consider your intuition too! That’s the best thing about being an entrepreneur. If they don’t like what you liked, ask them why? If they like what you didn’t like so much, ask them why? The idea is to mix a little bit of your own intuition and opinions from others.

At this point, I’m almost certain about the fact that you have one or two names in your list. Now it’s time to confirm whether these names are legal to use.

Is This Name Registered by Some Other Entity?

Now that you know that your name has no issues with domains and social media handles, the next step is to pick a name that is not in use in the state/country you are going to conduct your business operations in. It is important to know if someone else has already registered the name you’d like to select. Some states have made database searches available. Which means, you can simply search the availability online or consult the authority. If this service is not available in the place where your business will operate, go visit the authority. Go to the US Patent and Trademark Authority Office to make sure that the name is not taken.

This way, you can get one or two names. Choose one. It is easier to choose one out of two options than one out of ten or fifteen options. Now that you know what and how to name a business, pick the right name. When you have the name ready, register the domains (.com, .net and, if possible, .org) and social media handles. Also, register the company name as per the local legal system.


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Fruits of Bangladesh

Fruit a structure formed from a mature or ripe ovary of any plant species after fertilization has occurred. The term 'fruit' is more conveniently used to refer to the part of the seed suitable for human consumption, eaten fresh, either ripe or young. From the nomadic age to present-day civilized life fruits have been used as food. The earliest cultivated fruit appears to be the date palm. Other fruits like pomegranates, Egypt figs
and olives had been popular fruits since 3500 BC. Fruits have pericarps developed from ovary walls and seeds developed from fertilized ovules.

Generally the ovary alone grows into a
fruit. But in some cases calyx and thalamus are
involved to form false fruits like Dillenia,
cashew nut and apple. Simple fruits developed from single ovary,
is the character of fruits. Aggregate fruits are developed
from numerous ovaries as in jackfruit and pineapple.

Fruits of Bangladesh
Some common fruits

Bangladesh abounds with a large variety of tropical and sub-tropical fruits. The most widely cultivated fruits are mango, jackfruit, black berry, pineapple, banana, litchi, lemon, guava, custard apple, wood apple, elephant apple, golden apple, Indian berry, papaya,
tamarind, melon, watermelon, cashew nut, pomegranate,
palmyra, plum, rose apple, Indian olive, and Indian jujube.
There are many minor edible fruits that are locally available
in the wild and are also cultivated, such as latkan, monkey
jack, uriam, rattan, river ebony, garcinia, water coconut,
wild date palm, etc.

May, June and July are specially
treated as fruit festival months in Bangladesh when almost all
the major and minor fruits are matured and available. A few
fruits are available throughout the year. These are the
papaya, sapodilla, coconut and banana. The common imported fruits are orange, apple, pomegranate, grape, date, and mandarin.
In Bangladesh the cultivation of
temperate fruits has been unsuccessful, except for grapes in some
places. Oranges are cultivated only in a very limited areas in Sylhet
and in remote areas of Rangamati (Sajeek) and Bandarban (Ruma)
Fruit tree
Trees that produce edible fruits for human consumption. Human
civilization is irrevocably linked with the culture of food plants and
fruit trees. The earliest selection and culture of fruit trees seems to
be the date palm. The mango has been in cultivation for 6,000 years;
it is one of the oldest tropical fruits indigenous to India. The
commercial production of fruit trees started at the beginning of the
18th century. Traditionally the fruit trees were cultivated as a
backyard crop or as boarder tree to fulfil the requirements of the
family. In the beginning of the 19th century, the Christian
missionaries and European settlers pioneered the organised culture of
fruit orchards in the subcontinent. Since the beginning of the 20th
century, a wide variety of major and minor fruit trees are being grown
in Bangladesh on a commercial basis. Most of the major fruit trees
are evergreen in nature of which mango, jackfruit and coconut occupy
almost 90% of the fruit tree culture in Bangladesh. Mango, the most
popular fruit tree in the country, has about 3000 varieties both in
cultivation and in the wild. The most popular varieties grow in the
northern districts of Bangladesh; fruit weight varies from 100-1000g;
June-August is the time to harvest. Jackfruit, which originated in the
Western Ghats of India and now grows all over the country, is another
popular fruit. The large bushy evergreen tree produces composite
fruits, perhaps one of the largest fruits (up to 50 kg) in the plant
kingdom. June-September is the time to harvest.

Litchi was introduced in India from
China in the beginning of the 19th century. A much branched evergreen
tree grow well in almost all parts of Bangladesh. But the good
quality fruits are grown in Dinajpur, Rajshahi, Jessore and Khulna
regions. June and July are the months to harvest. Coconut grows
abundantly in the southern and central parts; the average fruit number
per plant is 70-80; can be harvested throughout the year. Green
coconut is a favourite drink in summer; the endosperm of ripe fruit is
mostly used in preparation of sweets. Guava, a semi-deciduous exotic
plant from tropical America introduced in the middle of the 18th
century, is grown in almost all village groves. About 50 varieties are
found all over the country, most of which grow in Chittagong,
Comilla, Sylhet and Barisal regions. Fruit weight varies from 20-700g;
can be harvested during July-September. Indian Jujube (boroi, kul)
is a small fruit-bearing medium-sized deciduous tree; fruits are
available in off-seasons; the fruit weight is 10-70 g; can be harvested
during February-March.
Of the minor fruit trees the following are very common and popular: Black Plum or Black Berry (kalo jam),
a large fruit tree; fruits when ripe are almost black, elongated,
marble-sized having seed almost half the size of the fruit; fruit is
harvested in July. Sapodilla (sopheda), a medium-sized
beautiful evergreen tree with upright dense canopy, introduced from
tropical America, is being extensively cultivated in the Faridpur and
Dhaka regions. The other common minor fruits are Tamarind (tentul), Palmyra Palm (tal), Monkey Jack (dewa), Indian Olive (jalpai), Carambola or Star fruit (kamranga), Star Apple (jamrul), Mangosteen (kaw), Burmese Grape (latkan), Flacoutia (paniala), Star Gooseberry (arbaroi), Elephant Apple (chalta), River Ebony (gab), Otaheita Apple (bilati amra), Velvet Apple (bilati gab), Wood Apple (kathbel), Indian Apple (bel), Custard Apple (ata), and Indian Goose Berry (amlaki).
Fruit production
Different fruits grow in Bangladesh round the year because of
favourable climatic conditions. A list of the common fruit trees showing
the area of production and yield is given below. 
English name Local name Scientific name Area under production (in 000 ha) Yield (thousand m ton/year)
Banana Kala Musa sapientum 40 630
Jackfruit Kathal Artocarpus heterophyllus 27 265
Mango Am Mangifera indica 50 190
Litchi Lichu Litchi chinensis 5 13
Hog Plum Amra Spondias dulcis -- --
Papaya Papaya Carica papaya 5 41
Coconut Narikel Cocos nucifera -- --
Guava Payara Psidium guajava 10 46
Star Apple Jamrul Syzygium samarengense -- --
Black Berry Kalajam Syzygium cumini   -- --
Orange Kamla Citrus chrysocarpa 0.3 8
Grape Fruit Jambura Citrus grandis 4 11
Indian Apple Bel Aegle marmelos -- 1
Wood Apple Kathbel Feronia limonia -- --
Custard Apple Ata Anona squamosa -- --
Indian Jujube Boroi Zizyphus mauritiana 4 15
Sapodilla Sofeda Manilkara achras -- --
Indian Goose Berry Amloki Phyllanthus embelica -- --
Pomegranate Dalim Puncia granatum -- --
Elephant Apple Chalta Dillenia indica -- --
Carambola Kamranga Averrhoa carambola -- --
Pineapple Anaras Ananas comosus 14 150
Watermelon Tarmuj Cucumis melo 12 100
Lemon Lebu Citrus limon 4 12
Other citrus fruits -- -- 3 8
Source BBS, Yearbook of Agriculture Statistics, 1995, 1997-98

enjoys generally a sub-tropical monsoon climate. There are three
distinct seasons. From November to February a cool temperature (12-28
°C) and little or no precipitation prevails. Summer continues from March
to May with a little rainfall, with temperatures as high as 40 °C. The
monsoon prevails from June to October having high rainfall, humidity and
temperatures from 25-35 °C. The average precipitation per year varies
among the regions from 1194-3454 mm.

A tropical location, lush greenery,
moisture-rich loamy soil and production-friendly climate-all these make
Bangladesh one of the notable growers of a vast range of fruits.

More than 60 varieties of fruits are being
grown in the country. Major fruits include mango, banana, papaya,
jackfruit, pineapple, guava, litchi, pummelo, lemon etc. Banana
constitutes over 40 per cent of the total fruit production in the

Most of these fruits—perishable in nature
with high nutritional value -- are available during the respective
season of production. Among these fruits; mango, jackfruit, litchi,
banana, papaya, pineapple, watermelon, guava, lemon, star fruit,
honeydew etc. are available during the summer season between May and

So, it is no surprise that summer in
Bangladesh is called season of fruits—specially for mango, jackfruit,
lichi and jam (black berry)—the popular crowd favourites. In taste,
flavour and texture, scores of most these fruits in Bangladesh are
higher than similar fruits in other countries. One needs not to be an
expert to feel this difference. Visitors to this country may just taste
any of the fruits and judge for themselves.

There are very few industries for processing
of fruits in Bangladesh . The annual requirement of fruits in the
country is over 60, 00,000 metric tons. But current production is only
around 15, 00,000 metric tons, leaving the country highly deficient in
fruits production.

According to statistics complied few years
ago production of varieties of fruits in the country is as follows:
Banana- around 6,40,000 metric ton. Mango-around 1,90,000 metric tons.
Pineapple- around 1, 50,000 metric tons. Jackfruit- around 2,70,000
metric tons. Papaya- around 50,000 metric tons. Melon- around 1,10,000
metric tons. Litchi- around 13,000 metric tons. Guava- around 50,000
metric tons. Ber- around 16,000 metric tons. Orange- around1,000 metric
tons. Pomelo- around 15,000 metric tons. Lime&Lemon- around 13,000
metric tons. Other fruit- around 22,000 metric tons.

The country is endowed with favourable soil
and climate for cultivation of many horticultural crops yet total
production far less than enough. One of the reasons for low production,
despite vary favourable climatic condition, is the absence of commercial
cultivation of fruits. In the rural areas of the country, the farmers
in addition to other food and commercial crops are also the growers of

In addition to better taste, flavour and
texture, the fruits of Bangladesh have another attractive plus
point—most of these are organic. Amid growing concern about use of
chemical fertilizers in growing food crops, fruits and vege-

tables and its possible bad effect on the consumer, Bangladesh fruits can certainly claim to be —all natural.

List of notable fruits, their local and English names and growing seasons are as follows:

1. Aam (Mango)- May-September. 2. Kathal
(Jackfruits)- April-October. 3. Lichu (Lychee/Litchee)- June-July. 
Jam ( Berry )- May-June. 5. Kala (Banana)- All season. 6. Boroi
(Berr/Jujubi)- November-February. 
7.Ata (Cherimoya)- March-May. 8. Gab
(Sharonfruit)-April-June.9. Amra (Golden Apple)- April-October.
Jambura/Batabilebu (Shaddoc/Pummelo)- April-October.11. Jamrul (Rose
Apple) April-October. 12. Kaggji Lebu (Lime)- All seasons. 
13. Kamranga
(Carambola/Star fruit)- April-October. 14. Lebu (Lemon)- April-October.
15. Safeda (Sapodila/ Sapota/Chico)- April-October. 
16. Kul/Boroj
(Plum/Jujubi)- November-February. 17. Latka (Longan)- April-October. 18.
Amloki(Embica)- July-October. 
19. Pani phal (Water chestnut)-
April-October. 20. Peara (Gauva)- All season. 21. Jalpai (Olive)-
22. Sharifa (Atemoya)- August-December. 23. Tal
(Mangoesteen/Plam)- April-October. 24. Bel (Wood Apple). 25. Kad Bel.

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Bangladesh is a country in Asia where 90% Muslim people living. This country is changing their luck and growing up with information technology. Finally it will said "Digital Bangladesh" :v.

This post is about share everything from Bangladesh .

Lets know about Bangladesh

  • Export of Bangladesh
  • Education of Bangladesh
  • Culture of Bangladesh
  • Memorials of Bangladesh
  • Travel & tours of Bangladesh
  • Nature of Bangladesh
  • Crops of Bangladesh
  • Fish of Bangladesh
  • Animals of Bangladesh
  • Birds of Bangladesh
  • Flower of Bangladesh
  • Fruits of Bangladesh
  • Plants of Bangladesh
  •  more coming ...